Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

Yesterday my year group did a performance of Titanic (No, not THAT Titanic). Do any of you know what it is? She was the world’s largest ocean liner in the world. On HER (always call a ship her or she) maiden voyage, 14th of April 1912 (100 years ago), she hit an iceberg, resulting in the loss of over 1000 lives.

So, what has this got to do with dreaming? Well, the passengers aboard Titanic were dreaming to go to America. These shoes in the play had lost their owners. The shoes symbolise the dreamers, who lost their lives.

Lots of shoes were found by a diver in the Titanic in 1985.  The diver commented about how the bodies were eaten and the shoes were all that was left of the people on the Titanic.

Sadness aside, the dreams of the passengers BEFORE the sinking were great. Here are some songs in our musical about dreams:

If you’d like to go a’sailing across the ocean, you can see a world of new sights across the sea. You could search for new beginnings, in lands for the taking, across the ocean now a DREAM for you and me.

Unsinkable DREAM, how grand she will seem to those who will board her. Leviathan high, just touching the skies, dear God may you keep her.

Share a hope, share a DREAM, with White Star to shores so far away, take a chance, to start anew, imagine days when I’ll stand tall and so proud on shores that are far away.

17 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

  1. I love your submission to the challenge. The performance must have been wonderful. Thank you for the pingback and listing my blog.


  2. I love your beautiful post about dreamers and their lost dreams. It’s a very moving and powerful image. The tragedy happened 100 years ago, yet sadness still lingers today.

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