My ten favourite Doctor Who directors

An often undersung aspect of Doctor Who is the work put in behind the scenes by directors. Sure, the script is important but the director, as with all media, has an instrumental part in realising a project. Whilst a bad director (especially in the classic era) can botch a perfectly decent script and make it poorer, conversely a good director can turn even the worst scripts into something at least visually interesting. Whilst many directors of Doctor Who have been forced into an “in-house” style of directing accommodating the showrunner, many have defined stories and eras with their excellent directing. So we’re here to celebrate the best, on Doctor Who Day Eve, whilst tomorrow we’ll talk about five different, new types of episode the show could explore. I won’t rank them but go in order of their episodes, and will try and focus on discussing their directing and not review the episodes as a whole, as sometimes the directing is the best part of the story.

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