The Giggle aka, The Vanquishers 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

It’s been nearly a week, and I’ve been busy, hence the delay in the review, but even if I did have time… WHERE WOULD I START?

The Giggle is such An Episode, it’s incredibly entertaining, fast paced, constantly shifting and changing locales and focus so you’re never bored, there’s a whole ton of incredible scenes and ideas… but oh my, how does all of this fit into anything? It’s a miracle it holds itself together and only really falls apart when you think about it, you’re so entertained whilst watching.

OK, to have some semblance of structure, let’s get all the unquestionably great stuff out of the way. Obviously the episode looks incredible, and the cast are on their a-game. Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker is immensely entertaining, and whilst we’ll get back to the character later, purely on a performance standpoint this is one of the best antagonists in years. I love the UNIT base, and the script is hilarious. Some standout scenes include the Toymaker’s puppet show, the Toymaker’s dance scene, the surreal dreamscapes in 1925 and the reunion between Mel and the Doctor.

Oh, and I liked the end, but once again, we’ll get back to that later.

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Why the Toymaker is a genius villain for Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary

On Saturday, a long standing open secret was revealed – Neil Patrick Harris is playing the Celestial Toymaker in Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary, joining an exclusive list of anniversary villains along with Omega, Borusa and the Zygons. There’s been speculation since he was cast, but with this confirmation… I’m actually way more excited than I’ve been in the past! Obviously I HAVE been excited, but now? I genuinely think this choice of villain is inspired beyond belief. Here’s why.

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