Doctor Who finale review – pheeewwwwwwww


There’s a reason I don’t review part ones. It’s half a story! I was going to wait for Empire of Death (umbrella titles, PLEASE, Classic Who made do with only one, I’m calling the whole thing Empire of Death out of protest) then tackle this finale head on.

It’s… well… It’s an interesting 100 minutes of Doctor Who. Some incredible stuff, some really weak stuff, and I had fun. The fact I saw the second part at a midnight cinema screening with loads of fans helped shape my opinion significantly, sometimes the experience DOES influence your overall perception. The whole story looks no different from a modern Hollywood blockbuster, if not better, and the huge success of the release will hopefully lead to more, and maybe even one day a full on feature film. I’m feeling VERY vindicated.

Right, the actual story. It’s a sprawling epic, just about what you’d expect from a Russell T Davies finale (more on that later) with his usual brand of storytelling – intimate emotions and moments contrasted with large scale set pieces that just keep going and going and hold together through sheer force of will and a fantastic production.

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